What is the relationship between the individual and the collective? Between self and other? Between a piece of paper and the whole earth? Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh teaches us…
Five parks along Lake Superior will be among the first to be completely free of the use of fossil fuels. The Parks include: Isle Royale National Park, Keweenaw National Historical…
Civic and political discourse has always had a place at the pulpit, especially in times of unrest. As the invasion of Ukraine continues, and the world’s superpowers choose strategies, it…
In February, Bucky Beach Spoke about “explaining” stories, and about the Christian understanding of suffering. He asked, “What if we got the story wrong?” and said he would like this…
What can we learn from St. Patrick and Celtic Spirituality besides there are no snakes in Ireland?  Perhaps a deeper sense of our participation as artists in ongoing creation!  Service…
At the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) General Assembly (GA) in 2017 there was discussion of adding an 8th Principle, specifically to address racism in our congregations. The presenter will explain…

Beloved Community

February 26, 2023
As UU’s we hear and use the term “beloved community.” What is a beloved community? Are we in it? What does love in practice look like at a community level?
Charles Darwin said that anyone who wishes to make a sizable impact on human history can do so in 3 ways: a. political action b. create a creed, or c.…
UP Kids is a local organization serving children and families across the UP. Find out about the wide array of programs and services available, including foster care and adoption placement…
Founded by civil rights leader Valarie Kaur, The Revolutionary Love Project inspires and equips people to build beloved community where they are. Meha Chiraya will reflect on her experiences working…
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