Recorded Sunday Messages Archive
Welcome to the first service of the Keweenaw Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at 604 Bridge Street!! This will be a special service and include reflections from your ministry team, a song…
Beginning Anew is not to ask for forgiveness. Beginning Anew is to change your mind and heart, to transform the ignorance within and to help cultivate the mind of love. …
The Keweenaw has some of the darkest skies in the Midwest. This provides visitors and residents access to incredible stargazing and the opportunity to view the Northern Lights. Join us…
What calls you to work for justice in the world? This sermon will explore both the historical and contemporary call to justice that arises from our Unitarian Universalist theological heritage. Rev. Dr.…
In 1923 by Unitarian minister Norbert Capek of Prague, Czechoslovakia developed a ritual called the Flower Communion. KUUF continues this tradition, adapting this as an annual ritual. This service will…
This forum will discuss Eagle Mine's operations in the UP, an expansion proposed by Tilden Mine, exploration plans revealed by Talon Metals, and the Keweenaw Land Association’s proposed leasing of…
Swiss theologian Karl Barth taught that clergy should preach with our sacred scriptures in one hand and the newspaper in the other.
Our theme this month is interdependence. Wonderful! Savoring a warm beverage is a lovely way to experience interdependence. I am excited to offer a Tea Ceremony with guided meditation to…
Is happiness dependent upon independence or interdependence? What does my happiness or well-being have to do with yours?