One of the five basic Buddhist precepts is to refrain from harsh or untruthful speech. Thich Nhat Hanh offers a Mindfulness Training on this topic that includes both speaking and…
Julia Peterson, The Nature Conservancy’s (TNC) project manager for the Keweenaw Peninsula, will talk about TNC’s purchase of 32,500 acres of forestland, known as the Keweenaw Heartlands, in late 2022.…
A teaching from Turtle Island’s Indigenous People on the Medicine Wheel – and a story about a jumping mouse.
Lori Sherman is a member of the KBIC tribe with deep ties to her reservation's traditions. She is currently President of the Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College. She wants to offer her perspective on their journey. She'll share the history of the Keweenaw…
Today I would like to offer a guided meditation based on the Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing. It is a gentle practice that moves smoothly from attention on…

Water Service

September 15, 2024
This Sunday, our service will include a special water communion ritual. Please bring a small container of water from, or representing, your summer travels, or from home or another special place.…
Everyone has biases, but most of us are not even conscious of how they play out in our everyday interactions, Rev. Rivka Gevurtz says. Through a series of activities, we…
Using science and earth-based teachings about life cycles, Rev. Stacy Craig will reflect on important touchstones and learnings from her time as minister with Keweenaw UU Fellowship.
Do you remember Aesop’s Fables, those children’s stories that always had a moral at the end? I remember the moral of The Boy Who Cried Wolf as “Don’t tell lies.” What…