Speaker: Paul Mitchell | Explore the historical and religious implications of the Japanese American internment.

Small Group Ministries

November 3, 2019
Speaker: Paul Mitchell | Small group ministries bring congregation members in close relationship with one another.  Although KUUF is not a large congregation, several small group ministries are thriving.  This…


October 27, 2019
Speaker: Paul Mitchell | This sermon looks at vulnerability as something we all share and it can be our most effective tool for recognizing our common humanity.

Marking the Heart

November 11, 2018
Speaker: Rev. Laurie Bushbaum | Rev. Laurie Bushbaum examines the use of memory.  

Five Smooth Stones

July 15, 2018
Speaker: Paul Mitchell Paul delivers an introduction to James Luther Adams’ famous sermon and shares how he tries to live in the spirit of Adams’ Five Stones.

Celebrations and Farewells

December 17, 2017
Speaker: Rev. Chris Rothbauer In Rev. Chris’s final regular service with the congregation, we will celebrate our time together and reflect on the place of Unitarian Universalism in the UP.
Speaker: Rev. Chris Rothbauer Many eastern religions declare that change is constant, even when we believe things are staying the same. Rev. Chris will examine what it means that the…
Speaker: Rev. Chris Rothbauer Too often, Unitarian Universalists emphasize their free search for truth and meaning, but forget the responsible part. What does it mean for our quest to be…

Radical Candor

November 19, 2017
Speaker: Rev. Chris Rothbauer | Series: Fourth Principle Management coach Kim Scott says that managers must both challenge people to be better than they are while showing they care about…
Speaker: Horst Schmidt, Rev. Chris Rothbauer | Series: Fourth Principle Economic injustice and poverty in our community is systemic. So how do we get beyond merely giving the poor money…