Celebrations and Farewells

December 17, 2017
Speaker: Rev. Chris Rothbauer In Rev. Chris’s final regular service with the congregation, we will celebrate our time together and reflect on the place of Unitarian Universalism in the UP.
Speaker: Rev. Chris Rothbauer Many eastern religions declare that change is constant, even when we believe things are staying the same. Rev. Chris will examine what it means that the…
Speaker: Rev. Chris Rothbauer Too often, Unitarian Universalists emphasize their free search for truth and meaning, but forget the responsible part. What does it mean for our quest to be…

Radical Candor

November 19, 2017
Speaker: Rev. Chris Rothbauer | Series: Fourth Principle Management coach Kim Scott says that managers must both challenge people to be better than they are while showing they care about…
Speaker: Horst Schmidt, Rev. Chris Rothbauer | Series: Fourth Principle Economic injustice and poverty in our community is systemic. So how do we get beyond merely giving the poor money…
Speaker: Rev. Chris Rothbauer | Series: Third Principle In some religious circles, one hears constant refrains that they love people but hate their sins. In this service, Rev. Chris will…

Who Are We?

October 1, 2017
Speaker: Rev. Chris Rothbauer, Will Cantrell | Series: Third Principle Who is KUUF and how do we fit in the larger Unitarian Universalist movement? In this service, Rev. Chris and…
Speaker: Rev. Chris Rothbauer | Series: Second Principle In many churches, social justice sermons would be strange and out of place. But what if the political is both personal and…
Speaker: Rev. Chris Rothbauer | Series: Second Principle In our annual water ceremony, we will examine the connection between water and compassion as we mingle our waters together for the…

Equity in Labor

September 3, 2017
Speaker: Rev. Chris Rothbauer | Series: Second Principle This year’s Labor Day service will celebrate the labor movement and show how their efforts to bring about fair pay and rights…