Tinkering With Time

August 22, 2021
Summer seems to fly by.  February moves at a snail’s pace.  There’s no time like the present.  It’s crunch time.  It’s high time.  When was the last time you reflected on how…

Portage Health Foundation

August 8, 2021
Kevin N. Store, Executive Director of the Portage Health Foundation (PHF), will present the Foundation’s primary objectives – food insecurity, access to education, addressing poverty, and mental and behavioral health,…

Perspectives on Joy

August 1, 2021
During times of grief and despair, joy can seem almost inappropriate.  But social activists and faith leaders of diverse communities have insisted that it is during these difficult times that…
The energetic qualities of gratitude contribute to the fullness of our humanity and our wellbeing.  Together let us enjoy lingering in gratitude for a while.

The Forgiveness Factor

July 18, 2021
What does re-emerging from a global pandemic look like, especially one that is not quite through?  What was “normal,” and what parts of it should we seek to regain, reform,…
Stephen Jukuri, President of the Keweenaw Green Burial Alliance, will join us.  Stephen will share what the Alliance has learned while advocating for green/natural burial in the Keweenaw Peninsula, including…

American Confessions

July 4, 2021
An honest look in the mirror at how our nation has fared, what happened to our ‘collective soul'.  

To Re-Humanize Means

June 20, 2021
What does re-emerging from a global pandemic look like, especially one that is not quite through?  What was “normal,” and what parts of it should we seek to regain, reform,…
Jake and Ashley TenHarmsel, founders of North Harvest CSA will join us.  Jake and Ashley started their farm focused on community supported agriculture in the summer of 2013. They will…
What does re-emerging from a global pandemic look like, especially one that is not quite through?  What was “normal,” and what parts of it should we seek to regain, reform,…
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