The Blue Zones

December 12, 2021
In 2004, Dan Buettner teamed with National Geographic, the National Institute on Aging, and the world's best longevity researchers to identify pockets around the world where people lived measurably better,…

Chanukah Service

December 5, 2021
David Holden, President of Temple Jacob, will discuss Hanukkah.  Hanukkah is known at present as the Jewish Festival of Lights - but it wasn't always so!  Though it is at…

Beyond Boxes

November 28, 2021
Bias is an inescapable part of the human experience, but what we do with, and how we react to our biases is very much in our control. While our natural…

#Thankful, Grateful, Blessed?

November 21, 2021
As we move into Thanksgiving week, we’ll explore the nature of gratitude, how it differs from appreciation, and some of the science behind its mental health benefits.  What gratitude practices…
Dr. Martin Reinhardt (Anishinaabe Ojibway) will share insights about the relationship between identity and spirituality.  Reinhardt asserts that a collective re-centering of our shared human identities is essential to the…
Around this time each year, traditions such as Halloween, All Saints Day and Dia de Muertos capture our imaginations and lead many to contemplate the afterlife. What happens to our…

Buddhist Service

October 31, 2021
Carol Grafford, follower of Thich Nhat Hanh since 2002, and ordained as a core member of the Order of Interbeing in 2017, will be our service presenter. Is Buddhism a religion…

Culture Creators

October 24, 2021
Rachel Tarpey will lead a discussion on the formation of culture.  How do we create the world we want to live in?  Will we be proud to share it with…

What’s in a Name?

October 17, 2021
During October—LGBT History Month -- we’ll reconnect with and celebrate what it means to be a Welcoming Congregation in the UU tradition. Pr. Sarah will explore the concept of naming. …

Engaging Across Generations

October 10, 2021
Dr. Wallace Southerland will discuss his vision for Student Affairs at MTU as well as characteristics of Millennials and Generation Z.  He will share best practices for engagement and collaboration…
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