Grace is a loaded and profound theological concept, one that transcends religious boundaries, and leads to a general open stance towards your neighbor and to the world. It's hard to…

The Peace Table in Your Heart

November 27, 2022
There is a Peace Table in your heart. We are just coming off the Thanksgiving Holiday. Maybe you gave thanks. Maybe not. Maybe you felt a lot of frustration. Maybe…
According to Soul Matters, the theme this month is “Belonging.” In the Unitarian Universalist Holidays, Holy Days and Worship Themes 2022-2023, Nov. 20 is Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day…
The business, Refill UP, is inspired by the problems caused by the overuse of plastic, the ineffectiveness of plastic recycling, and a desire to help our community switch to more sustainable…

Service of Remembrance

November 6, 2022
This is the time of year that is believed to be a thin time, a liminal space, when the veil between this world and the next is most transparent. Cultural…

Reproductive Justice

October 30, 2022
What does UU theology have to say about current debates on reproductive freedom? Our first principle asks that we respect “the inherent worth and dignity of every person.” But what…

We Belong Here! They Are Us!

October 23, 2022
KUUF member Rachel Tarpey led the service and shared a local story of belonging.  We discussed actions of belonging.

Falling Leaves and Parables

October 16, 2022
Sometimes it's just better to speak in parables!
The farmer and poet, Wendell Berry, says that if we don’t know where we are, we don’t know who we are. Sense of place is a term that implies being…
Lakota Holy Man Black Elk was once telling a story to a group of people.  When he was done, a child asked him: “Is that true?”  Black Elk responded: “Is…
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