God’s Critical Race Theory

Service will be in person and on Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83975762265?pwd=TC9BcStaTDF4dFZOU2ZsUHhZTERoUT09 Meeting ID: 839 7576 2265 Passcode: KUUF

Forum, What is UP Wild?

UP Wild is a gathering for those seeking to experience an actively creating God based on shared values of faith, connection and nature, according to Bishop, a founding member and communications coordinator for the group.  Deep within the Christian tradition there hides a wealth of wisdom on how to cultivate a culture of compassion, he … Continue reading Forum, What is UP Wild?

Grounding in a Heart of Love

A heart of love is wise, generous, inclusive, kind and courageous. When grounded in love, our actions are imbued with these qualities. Let’s explore what it is to be open-hearted toward ourselves, in our families, our community and as citizens. What supports us to remain grounded in love no matter the conditions or circumstances? Service will … Continue reading Grounding in a Heart of Love