Topic: Spiritual Growth

Flower Communion

The Flower Communion is an annual celebration of beauty and diversity.  In this ceremony, everyone attending brings a flower to be placed on the altar or in a shared vase.  The flowers are redistributed after being blessed.  Each person takes home a different flower than the one they brought.  Bring a flower and join us!  … Continue reading Flower Communion

Boston Confucianism

The Friday lunchtime comparative religion group recently exclaimed,  “We need to learn more about Confucianism!”  Paul will discuss what a Boston Confucianism group can provide to such a conversation.  Potluck Sunday, bring a dish to pass.

We Need To Talk

Guest minister Mark Richards will be with us on this Memorial Day weekend. The words “white supremacy” conjure up visions of shaved heads and tattooed necks.  It’s no wonder that we white folks resist conversations where the term is applied.  But if constructive conversations about eliminating racism in America are going to be had, we … Continue reading We Need To Talk

Joyful in the UP

Sometimes it takes an outside perspective (like mine) to re-discover joy that is right in front of us. Sometimes folks (like me) don’t really know joy even though it’s bopping ’em on the head.  Sometimes we (like me) need to talk about joy. I’m looking forward to talking about JOY with you!  Potluck Sunday.  Bring … Continue reading Joyful in the UP

The Thought of Joanna Macy

Paul Mitchell will discuss the three stories that describe this point in the earth’s narrative: Business as Usual; The Great Unraveling; and The Great Turning. All three stories are true says Buddhist scholar, eco-philosopher, and long-time environmental activist, Joanna Macy. Her work challenges and invites us to put all our energies behind that third story, … Continue reading The Thought of Joanna Macy

Justice on Earth

At a time when racial justice, environmental justice, and economic justice are seen as competing issues, Justice on Earth explores the ways in which the three are intertwined.  Communities o the margins are invariably those most affected by climate disaster and environmental toxins.  We are asked to recognize that our faith calls us to long-haul … Continue reading Justice on Earth

Henry Thacker Burleigh

Sandra and Alex will focus on the music of Henry “Harry” Thacker Burleigh, composer, arranger, and vocalist of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  Burleigh (1866-1949), was the first to publish African American spirituals as mainstream concert pieces for solo voice and piano.