Topic: Spiritual Growth

The Trouble With History

 A recent New York Times article compared history text books used in California and Florida. The books are from the same publisher and radically different frames are revealed throughout the books.  History interpreted through today’s imperatives.  We’ll look at how UU values help move us forward through the relative reports of history.

Debating With Popular Music

There may be something to celebrate when people disagree in song rather than in some other way.  The music and stories are worth hearing.  We’ll explore the music of Neil Young, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Natalie Maines, Toby Keith, and more, as time allows.

Celebrating Martin Luther King

We’ll join in the national celebration of the life and work of Rev. Martin Luther King.  We’re going to focus on continuing work that honors Rev. King’s sense of the “urgency of now.”    Potluck today.  Please bring a dish to pass and, if possible, your own table service.  All are welcome!

Open Mic Sunday

Bring your poems or short stories to share.  We ask that everyone keep their contributions to 3 minutes or less so that everyone has a chance to participate.


.This Sunday, 10/27, our service will focus on Vulnerability.  Led by Lay Minister, Paul Mitchell, this will be his first service back after quintuple bypass surgery.  The service will look at vulnerability as something we all share and it can be our most effective tool for recognizing our common humanity.  Join us to see how … Continue reading Vulnerability

Desire as Our Guide

Wil Shapton leads a service from the FaithRocket archives, written by Darcey Laine.  The service explores getting in touch with what we really want, following our ‘heart’s desires’, and how that relates to spiritual habits and practices; with a distinction between ‘cravings’ and ‘desires’.

The Second Mountain

Paul will speak to us of The Second Mountain, by NY Times writer David Brooks, a book inspired by the stories of people whose lives moved from self-centered to others-centered.

Intersectionality and Our Faith

Paul Mitchell leads the service.  We will start with the intersectionality experience shared by KUUF member Jessica Anderson.  We’ll also review a definition of intersectionality and develop an understanding of how it informs the present and future of our faith.

A Thousand Paths to Power

Guest minister Rev. Laurie Bushbaum leads this service.  A folktale about a stonecutter and the words of the black feminist writer Adrienne Maree Brown create a juxtaposition about power.  Is it good or bad?  What are its sources and expressions?  Those who are accustomed to the  inheritors of power must work at learning other ways … Continue reading A Thousand Paths to Power