Topic: Spiritual Growth

Tinkering With Time

Summer seems to fly by.  February moves at a snail’s pace.  There’s no time like the present.  It’s crunch time.  It’s high time.  When was the last time you reflected on how you conceptualize, time?  As it turns out, our culture of origin and our spiritual traditions can influence how we move through our days, weeks … Continue reading Tinkering With Time

Perspectives on Joy

During times of grief and despair, joy can seem almost inappropriate.  But social activists and faith leaders of diverse communities have insisted that it is during these difficult times that making space for joy is actually most important.  Miriam Pickens will explore this in her reflection. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 978 910 4627 … Continue reading Perspectives on Joy

Exploring Gratitude Together

The energetic qualities of gratitude contribute to the fullness of our humanity and our wellbeing. Together let us enjoy lingering in gratitude for a while.  Janeen Stephenson will offer this reflection today. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 978 910 4627 Dial by your location: +1 312 626 6799

To Re-Humanize Means…?

“Mindful Re-emergence” What does re-emerging from a global pandemic look like, especially one that is not quite through?  What was “normal,” and what parts of it should we seek to regain, reform, or leave behind entirely?  How can practices of mindfulness and wisdom traditions guide us in these transition days ahead?  This summer, Pr. Sarah … Continue reading To Re-Humanize Means…?

Speaking Grief

“Mindful Re-emergence” What does re-emerging from a global pandemic look like, especially one that is not quite through?  What was “normal,” and what parts of it should we seek to regain, reform, or leave behind entirely?  How can practices of mindfulness and wisdom traditions guide us in these transition days ahead?  This summer, Pr. Sarah … Continue reading Speaking Grief

A Final Look at the Five Smooth Stones of Religious Liberalism

In July of 2018, I delivered my first reflection to this Fellowship.  It focused on the essential elements of religious liberalism.  I called on the thought of the Rev. Dr. James Luther Adams and his formulation of the Five Smooth Stones of Religious Liberalism.  I think it’s worth revisiting as the next to last reflection … Continue reading A Final Look at the Five Smooth Stones of Religious Liberalism

As a Fellowship We’re Busy…

 And it seems like a good time to think about our sense of leadership. We have Task Forces and Committees humming with response options to a couple of tracks around the next phase(s) of ministry, we’ve rewritten our Safe Congregation Policy and are implementing Conflict Resolution Training as part of that. We’re looking at options for … Continue reading As a Fellowship We’re Busy…

Where the Tide Meets the Stream: A Spiritual Autobiography With Rev. Sarah Semmler Smith.

Where is it that we grow?  Under what conditions do we become who we are capable of being?  What role does encountering the other, disruption of assumptions, and grace have in it all?  This week you’ll be invited to consider the estuaries of your life experience, and ask: from these brackish waters, how has truth … Continue reading Where the Tide Meets the Stream: A Spiritual Autobiography With Rev. Sarah Semmler Smith.

On the Value of Diversity for Science

When women and historically underrepresented minorities contribute to science, outcomes are improved. Science is more innovative, outcomes are more equitable, and technology improves when science teams are diverse. While UUs recognize this already, this talk aims to continue the conversation around diversity, equity, and inclusion in our community.  Along the way, Ana will share some … Continue reading On the Value of Diversity for Science