Topic: Forums

A Proposed Constitutional Convention: What’s Wrong With That?

Forum.  Liz Hakola, from the League of Women Voters, will talk to us about the Constitutional Convention movement. What are the origins of calls for a US Constitutional Convention, objectives of its supporters and its opponents, and the current status of the ratification? The Constitutional Convention of States is a little-known movement of major importance … Continue reading A Proposed Constitutional Convention: What’s Wrong With That?

The San Francisco Earthquake and Fire

On this Forum Sunday, Jack Jobst will offer his most recent illustrated talk, “Why the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire was Such a Disaster”, 113 years ago on April 16, 1906.

Forum: Katie Couric Documentary Film

In collaboration with the Houghton/Keweenaw chapter of PFLAG (Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), we will view Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric, a 2017 documentary that explores our evolving understanding of gender identity and the need for greater inclusion.

Forum: Hearing

Nancy Reed, an audiologist in the Keweenaw for 30 years, will talk to us about hearing.