Speaker: Paul Mitchell

Boston Confucianism

The Friday lunchtime comparative religion group recently exclaimed,  “We need to learn more about Confucianism!”  Paul will discuss what a Boston Confucianism group can provide to such a conversation.  Potluck Sunday, bring a dish to pass.

Joyful in the UP

Sometimes it takes an outside perspective (like mine) to re-discover joy that is right in front of us. Sometimes folks (like me) don’t really know joy even though it’s bopping ’em on the head.  Sometimes we (like me) need to talk about joy. I’m looking forward to talking about JOY with you!  Potluck Sunday.  Bring … Continue reading Joyful in the UP

The Thought of Joanna Macy

Paul Mitchell will discuss the three stories that describe this point in the earth’s narrative: Business as Usual; The Great Unraveling; and The Great Turning. All three stories are true says Buddhist scholar, eco-philosopher, and long-time environmental activist, Joanna Macy. Her work challenges and invites us to put all our energies behind that third story, … Continue reading The Thought of Joanna Macy

Justice on Earth

At a time when racial justice, environmental justice, and economic justice are seen as competing issues, Justice on Earth explores the ways in which the three are intertwined.  Communities o the margins are invariably those most affected by climate disaster and environmental toxins.  We are asked to recognize that our faith calls us to long-haul … Continue reading Justice on Earth

Not Just Because of Valentine’s Day. . .

Recently the American Psychological Association released new guidelines for psychological practice with boys and men.  What is toxic masculinity?  What can we learn from this new guide?  How do we connect this to our UU identity and possible actions?

Ramsden, Frederick-Gray & Parker

 Channing, Emerson and Parker—they’ve been called, “The Three Prophets of Religious Liberalism.”  A sermon could understandably launch from with their well documented thought and look forward.  With that in mind…we are going discuss the thoughts of a trio of UU ministers, Revs. Lindi Ramsden, Susan Frederick-Gray and Rebecca Parker.  They might not yet be called … Continue reading Ramsden, Frederick-Gray & Parker