Speaker: Paul Mitchell

Winter Stories

We will share stories from past UP winters. I will start us out by describing my newly purchased electric shovel.  Potluck Sunday, Please bring a dish to pass, all are welcome!

 Small Group Ministries at KUUF

Often associated with large congregations, small group ministries bring congregation members in close relationship with one another.  KUUF is not a really large congregation and yet there are several small group ministries thriving.  We’ll talk about how this is working and what it can mean for all of us.


.This Sunday, 10/27, our service will focus on Vulnerability.  Led by Lay Minister, Paul Mitchell, this will be his first service back after quintuple bypass surgery.  The service will look at vulnerability as something we all share and it can be our most effective tool for recognizing our common humanity.  Join us to see how … Continue reading Vulnerability

Water Ceremony

Bring a sample of water that has meaning for you.  It can be from far away or right outside your front door.  We’ll share the water via a common bowl and share stories about our connection to the waters we’ve brought.  Picnic potluck today at the Marsin Center, Oskar MI.  Potluck at 1pm.  Bring a … Continue reading Water Ceremony

The Second Mountain

Paul will speak to us of The Second Mountain, by NY Times writer David Brooks, a book inspired by the stories of people whose lives moved from self-centered to others-centered.

Transforming Liberalism and the Coming Liberation Theology

We’re going to talk about the fork in the road at which Unitarian Universalism finds itself today. We’ll reference some current events and look back to the UUA’s founding in the 1960’s.  We’ll also take an introductory look at our future. Potluck Sunday, please bring a dish to pass.  All are welcome!

Intersectionality and Our Faith

Paul Mitchell leads the service.  We will start with the intersectionality experience shared by KUUF member Jessica Anderson.  We’ll also review a definition of intersectionality and develop an understanding of how it informs the present and future of our faith.

Flower Communion

The Flower Communion is an annual celebration of beauty and diversity.  In this ceremony, everyone attending brings a flower to be placed on the altar or in a shared vase.  The flowers are redistributed after being blessed.  Each person takes home a different flower than the one they brought.  Bring a flower and join us!  … Continue reading Flower Communion

2019 UUA General Assembly

Paul will define the topics for this talk as our 2019 General Assembly unfolds in Spokane, WA during the week of June 17-23.  He will use reports from attendees and online reporters to reveal some important reflections on the state of our Association.