Speaker: Paul Mitchell

KUUF’s Prophetic Not Partisan Voter Registration Campaign AND Some Thoughts on Our Ongoing Congregational Response to the Pandemic 

This is a combo-sermon about some practical realities. The IRA (I Registered Absentee)  Campaign is starting in the beginning of June and we’ll go over that effort.  Second, I’ll talk about the decisions we’ll be making in the coming months concerning in-person services and other pandemic related issues.  I wanted to offer some preliminary thoughts before … Continue reading KUUF’s Prophetic Not Partisan Voter Registration Campaign AND Some Thoughts on Our Ongoing Congregational Response to the Pandemic 

The Permanent and Transient in Unitarian Universalism – Rescheduled from May 17

Borrowing from Theodore Parker’s sermon, “The Transient and the Permanent in Christianity,” I will see if I can build a reflection on the permanent and transient in our faith from today’s vantage point. Here is the login information:    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82557157962?pwd=UVp6dStDcGFvaGpEcjBTUVp5MUc4UT09 Meeting ID: 825 5715 7962 Password: 216841 Dial In- 312 626 6799 NOTE: KUUF Board … Continue reading The Permanent and Transient in Unitarian Universalism – Rescheduled from May 17

The Permanent and Transient in Unitarian Universalism

Borrowing from Theodore Parker’s sermon, “The Transient and the Permanent in Christianity,” I will see if I can build a reflection on the permanent and transient in our faith from today’s vantage point. Here is the login information:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86168013324?pwd=TEtnVTJNcUx5TUsvWFR6aFV3NUpydz09 Meeting ID: 861 6801 3324 Password: 927111 Dial In: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Healing the Heart of Democracy

A long time ago, Miriam gave me a Parker Palmer book, hoping I would talk about it!  In that book, titled Healing the Heart of Democracy, Palmer takes on bridging our political divides, and he explores five “habits of the heart” that can be developed in everyday life.  Let’s talk about his thoughts. https://zoom.us/j/93284977495?pwd=UXVaYWxUNnBqLzFramNGWDE1Nk01Zz09 Meeting … Continue reading Healing the Heart of Democracy

UU History

A look at Rev. Theodore Parker (1810-1860), who was an American Transcendentalist, minister of the Unitarian church, a reformer and abolitionist; his words and popular quotations would later inspire speeches by Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr.  Let’s do some history!  No potluck, alas, for a while. https://zoom.us/j/9789104627?pwd=Y1lzaVhpVUpycHI0UFBrWXRtSXBLdz09 Meeting ID: 978 910 4627 Password: … Continue reading UU History

We Make A Difference

There are good reasons to support our annual canvass. They all seem to revolve around understanding that we make a difference, and we need to continue to make a difference.  We’ll kick off our canvass on this Sunday. Here is the link for attending the online service: https://zoom.us/j/9789104627 Meeting ID: 978 910 4627 Dial-in if … Continue reading We Make A Difference

Revitalizing Our Covenant

We can celebrate that the passing of the equinox provides us the chance to look at our covenant in the light of day!  We’ll talk about our status as a covenantal faith and about our Fellowship’s covenant.  Ours is not simply a behavioral covenant it’s also an aspirational covenant.  We’ll talk through all of this … Continue reading Revitalizing Our Covenant