Speaker: Paul Mitchell

Expressing Care for One Another

We’ve been using the same chalice extinguishing words throughout this Covid-19 time.  In part, they say, “The signals buzz and hum, sparkling through space one to another, connecting us invisibly but palpably.”  Sure, maybe it’s a reference to the magic of the Zoom meetings, but it calls me to explore how we express care for … Continue reading Expressing Care for One Another

Water Ceremony

We’ll celebrate a Virtual Water Ceremony. Everyone who participates is invited to share representational water from a place that is special to them.  We’ll take time for  people, one by one, to pour their water together into a large bowl (we’ll make it work virtually!)  As the water is added, the person who brought it … Continue reading Water Ceremony

Howard Thurman, The Mystic of the Civil Rights Movement

Howard Thurman was an ordained minister, theologian, writer, educator and activist.  Many people talk of the mentor role with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, and we’ll talk about that connection.  We’ll also talk about what Thurman called his “bold adventure,” building an intercultural, interracial, interfaith and interdenominational organization.  It is called the Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples.  … Continue reading Howard Thurman, The Mystic of the Civil Rights Movement

Ministry and KUUF 

This Sunday Paul will start the conversation about the form of ministry we want to create at KUUF.  Paul’s tenure will be coming to a close on June 1, 2021.  September is the time to begin shaping the next ministry position and figure out how we want to search for and hire our next minister.  … Continue reading Ministry and KUUF 

Grow An Extra Row & Celebrating Green Sanctuary At KUUF

It’s been a busy year for our Green Sanctuary Committee.  We’ll check in on the Grow and Extra Row Project and several other Green Sanctuary projects.  We’ll also talk about our vision of building our beloved community through practical projects like those of the Green Sanctuary. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84765595270?pwd=WWpZUnR2dnBtSVlQQ05PamNURm9TUT09 Meeting ID: 847 6559 5270 … Continue reading Grow An Extra Row & Celebrating Green Sanctuary At KUUF

Move Forward Teams At KUUF

In recent weeks, KUUF has formed three Move Forward Teams. They are focused on creating specific and meaningful actions that will keep us moving forward in the lifelong work of “dismantling racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”  That quote is from the proposed Eight Principle and we’ll talk again about it’s possible … Continue reading Move Forward Teams At KUUF

Active Persistence

We had an initial discussion of this topic at a Wednesday Evening Service.  I want to expand on the role persistence has during the time of pandemic and social, economic and political upheaval.  What are the thoughts on patience in our  Unitarian Universalist tradition?  How might it work in our personal lives? https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88211669706?pwd=eU56K1FXNFJRM3dXNmhJQiswVFFQZz09 Meeting ID: … Continue reading Active Persistence

Relational Identity

Rachel will explore stories about how relationships shape us and serve as a source of perpetual renewal. Here is the login information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81634408092?pwd=MU1DRFJIQzJuTzlmdG1meEVUSkoyUT09 Meeting ID: 816 3440 8092 Password: 334104 Dial in if necessary: 312 626 6799