God’s Critical Race Theory
Service will be in person and on Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83975762265?pwd=TC9BcStaTDF4dFZOU2ZsUHhZTERoUT09 Meeting ID: 839 7576 2265 Passcode: KUUF
Service will be in person and on Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83975762265?pwd=TC9BcStaTDF4dFZOU2ZsUHhZTERoUT09 Meeting ID: 839 7576 2265 Passcode: KUUF
Finding hope by going deeper in, and not letting go of the season too soon. Service will be in person and on Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83975762265?pwd=TC9BcStaTDF4dFZOU2ZsUHhZTERoUT09 Meeting ID: 839 7576 2265 Passcode: KUUF
Pastor Bucky Beach will share thoughts on hope from within Judaism – while standing on one leg! Service will be in person and on Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83975762265?pwd=TC9BcStaTDF4dFZOU2ZsUHhZTERoUT09 Meeting ID: 839 7576 2265 Passcode: KUUF
How do we move from “What just happened?” to, quoting the title of Martin Luther King Jr.’s book, “Where Do We Go From Here?” Service will be in person and on Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83975762265?pwd=TC9BcStaTDF4dFZOU2ZsUHhZTERoUT09 Meeting ID: 839 7576 2265Passcode: KUUF
Bucky Beach is a retired pastor from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church / Lutheran Campus Ministry. Ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 1989, Bucky has lived in the Upper Peninsula since 1996, having moved here to be Chaplain at Suomi College / Finlandia. He served Good Shepherd in Houghton from 2003-2022. Service will be … Continue reading If It’s Not in the Language, It’s Not in the Mind
A teaching from Turtle Island’s Indigenous People on the Medicine Wheel – and a story about a jumping mouse. Service will be in person and on Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83975762265?pwd=TC9BcStaTDF4dFZOU2ZsUHhZTERoUT09 Meeting ID: 839 7576 2265Passcode: KUUF Potluck lunch to follow the service. All are welcome.