Speaker: Keren Tischler

Grounding in a Heart of Love

A heart of love is wise, generous, inclusive, kind and courageous. When grounded in love, our actions are imbued with these qualities. Let’s explore what it is to be open-hearted toward ourselves, in our families, our community and as citizens. What supports us to remain grounded in love no matter the conditions or circumstances? Service will … Continue reading Grounding in a Heart of Love

Stories of Light

The days are now lengthening and a new calendar year has begun. Perhaps you have set an intention or resolution for this next season of growth. This week, I invite us to consider how stories in seasonal cycles can help us to harvest meaning from dark times so that we can turn toward the rising … Continue reading Stories of Light

Medicine for Remaining Upright 

As we move into this season of darkness, I invite us to call on the medicines of presence, joy, connection (and others) that provide essential nutrients to nourish, strengthen and energize us for that which lies ahead. Service will be in person and on Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83975762265?pwd=TC9BcStaTDF4dFZOU2ZsUHhZTERoUT09 Meeting ID: 839 7576 2265 Passcode: KUUF Potluck lunch to … Continue reading Medicine for Remaining Upright