Speaker: Carol Grafford

Stories We Tell Ourselves

Stories are powerful.  When I stop and pay attention, I realize that stories are running through my head all the time! Stories about the world around me, stories about myself, stories that replay past events, stories that rehearse something yet to come. What is the flavor of these stories? Are they hopeful? fearful? angry? loving? … Continue reading Stories We Tell Ourselves


I don’t know what your life is like right now. Is it full of joy and excitement? Is it full of sorrow and despair? Anxiety and overwhelm? Our theme this month is presence. Can we be present with whatever is there? How do we do that? Do we even want to do that? I’d like … Continue reading Presence

Beginning Anew

Beginning Anew is not to ask for forgiveness. Beginning Anew is to change your mind and heart, to transform the ignorance within and to help cultivate the mind of love.  I will read Thich Nhat Hanh’s own words from his book, Teachings on Love (1998) and then share some of the ways that I have used this … Continue reading Beginning Anew

Training in Co-existence

Have you seen those bumper stickers that spell out “co-exist” with a bunch of religious and spiritual symbols? I really like them! I like the idea that it’s possible for two or more religions, groups or principles to co-exist in some kind of peaceful balance. My question is: how do we make that kind of … Continue reading Training in Co-existence