Speaker: Carol Grafford


Pleasure. Happiness. Joy. What do these words bring up for you? How do you define or experience them differently? What does each of these offer you? I’d like to explore these mind states a little deeper and learn what you think about them. Service will be in person and on Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83975762265?pwd=TC9BcStaTDF4dFZOU2ZsUHhZTERoUT09 Meeting ID: 839 … Continue reading Joy

Stories We Tell Ourselves

Stories are powerful.  When I stop and pay attention, I realize that stories are running through my head all the time! Stories about the world around me, stories about myself, stories that replay past events, stories that rehearse something yet to come. What is the flavor of these stories? Are they hopeful? fearful? angry? loving? … Continue reading Stories We Tell Ourselves


I don’t know what your life is like right now. Is it full of joy and excitement? Is it full of sorrow and despair? Anxiety and overwhelm? Our theme this month is presence. Can we be present with whatever is there? How do we do that? Do we even want to do that? I’d like … Continue reading Presence