The Religion of Thomas Jefferson

This service will be in person and by Zoom.

Join us as we celebrate the Fourth of July with an exploration of a giant from U.S. history and a figure from Unitarian Universalist heritage: Thomas Jefferson. Together we’ll explore his historical context, the nature of his beliefs, and how it inspired the creation of the “Jefferson Bible.” What does it all mean for us more than two centuries later?  Rev. Tishken will be live with us via Zoom. 

Rev. Dr. Joel Tishken is the part-time minister at the UU Congregational Church of Hendricks County in Danville, Indiana. He lives on a forested property in Richmond, Indiana with his wife Lee Ann and fourteen adopted critters. Ministry is a second career for him. His first was as a professor of religious history from 2002-2015. He’ll be bringing both of his careers together in this sermon on Jefferson.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 978 910 4627
Dial by your location: +1 312 626 6799

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