UP Wild is a gathering for those seeking to experience an actively creating God based on shared values of faith, connection and nature, according to Bishop, a founding member and communications coordinator for the group. Deep within the Christian tradition there hides a wealth of wisdom on how to cultivate a culture of compassion, he explains. “It is time to bring this authenticity forward especially in the wild setting of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
”Churches are experiencing a mass exodus and wondering why,” he goes on to say. “We understand why. Many are in need of healing just as our Earth is; we aim to do this together.”
Bishop has been employed at Michigan Tech for 23 years. He is the assistant dean of academic conduct and serves as the chair of the Conflict Resolution Network, where he specializes in restorative practices.
Blau is also a founding member and current chair of UP Wild. She worked as director of the Chemistry Learning Center and an academic advisor at Michigan Tech for 30 years.
Forum will be by Zoom only.
Meeting ID: 839 7576 2265
Passcode: KUUF