Forum: The Enbridge Line 5 Pipeline

Why does the Enbridge pipeline need to be shut down?  This forum will discuss citizen efforts to shut down the Enbridge pipeline, known as Line 5, which runs through Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and underneath the Straits of Mackinac.

Among the groups attempting to have the pipeline shut down is Oil and Water Don’t Mix, a campaign led by Sean McBrearty. Nichole Biber, who works with McBrearty on the campaign, will speak at the forum and answer questions. She is Oil and Water’s Clean Water Action Line 5 organizer, based in Lansing.

Oil and Water Don’t Mix organizes grassroots groups, coalitions and campaigns to elect environmental candidates and to solve environmental and community problems.

Forum will be by Zoom only.

Meeting ID: 839 7576 2265
Passcode: KUUF

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