COVID Vaccines and the Future of Vaccine Manufacturing

by Caryn L. Heldt

Michigan Technological University

Abstract:  There are many different types of COVID vaccines in clinical trials and on the market. What are the differences?  We will explore the different types of vaccines and why the compressed timelines for clinical trials is not compromising safety.  Finally, we will explore current and future vaccine manufacturing methodologies. The goal is to increase the number of doses available of new and current vaccines while keeping costs low.

Biography:  Dr. Caryn L. Heldt is the Director of the Health Research Institute, the James and Lorna Mack Chair in Bioengineering, Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, and an Affiliate Professor in Biological Sciences at Michigan Technological University.  She received her B.S. in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from Michigan Technological University in 2001.  Upon receiving her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from North Carolina State University in 2008, she joined Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for her 2-year postdoctoral training.  In 2015, Dr. Heldt was awarded an NSF CAREER award to study virus surface chemistry.  Her lab is focused on the purification, removal, inactivation and detection of viruses and gene therapy vectors.

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