Pleasure. Happiness. Joy. What do these words bring up for you? How do you define or experience them differently? What does each of these offer you? I’d like to explore…
On March 2, Keren Tischler spoke eloquently on the topic of Trust. She asked the question, “How do we find and foster a genuine trust or a faith in things…
Thich Nhat Hanh says, “The situation of the world is still like this. People identify completely with one side, one ideology. To understand the suffering and the fear of a…
Stories are powerful. When I stop and pay attention, I realize that stories are running through my head all the time! Stories about the world around me, stories about myself,…
I don’t know what your life is like right now. Is it full of joy and excitement? Is it full of sorrow and despair? Anxiety and overwhelm? Our theme this…
This week I would like to share a post from Abbot Tenzin David Zimmerman of the San Francisco Zen Center. I tried so hard to speak on this month’s theme…
One of the five basic Buddhist precepts is to refrain from harsh or untruthful speech. Thich Nhat Hanh offers a Mindfulness Training on this topic that includes both speaking and…
Today I would like to offer a guided meditation based on the Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing. It is a gentle practice that moves smoothly from attention on…
Do you remember Aesop’s Fables, those children’s stories that always had a moral at the end? I remember the moral of The Boy Who Cried Wolf as “Don’t tell lies.” What…
Beginning Anew is not to ask for forgiveness. Beginning Anew is to change your mind and heart, to transform the ignorance within and to help cultivate the mind of love. …