Justice Ministry
Wherever there is a justice issue, you will find Unitarian Universalists engaged in the struggle. At KUUF, we take justice work very seriously. Justice issues are often addressed in our Sunday services and forums. We are proud to be certified as a Welcoming Congregation. We are affiliated with the Michigan UU Social Justice Network (MUUSJN) https://www.uujustice.org/.
We are involved in a variety of causes at the local, national, and international level, including economic justice, LGBTQIA justice, racial justice and immigration justice. Our members frequently work with the larger community to address social justice issues, and we have marched in solidarity with oppressed people. “Postcard Sundays” are an after-the-service opportunity to write postcards to Congress person(s) and other leaders, in advocacy of important issues.
We partner in our Justice Ministry work with other organizations in Houghton County. Here is a partial list:
League of Women Voters http://www.lwvccmi.org/
Copper Country Homeless Prevention Coalition
Keweenaw Faiths United include: http://kfaithsu.simplesite.com
Little Brothers, Friends of the Elderly https://houghton.littlebrothers.org/
PFLAG https://pflag.org/chapter/pflag-keweenaw
Center for Diversity and Inclusion Michigan Tech https://www.mtu.edu/diversity-center/
Youth for Climate Action https://www.facebook.com/pg/keweenawyca/about/?ref=page_internal
Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition https://www.upenvironment.org/
Keweenaw Chapter Rise Up https://www.riseupkc.org/
Mental Health Support Group
Lutheran Social Services http://www.lsswis.org/Locations/LSS-Marquette-MI.htm