Date(s) - Tuesday, April 8, 2025
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Categories No Categories
KUUF Women’s Group was organized during COVID to provide attendees a confidential space to share, listen deeply, and learn from each other’s life experiences. We have continued to meet on Zoom to allow “out of towners” to attend and also assure that the time commitment is limited to an hour – no travel time, set up time, etc.
The plan is to continuing meeting the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month with some in-person gatherings thrown in during the year. Everyone is welcome however often they are able to attend.
Those of us who are members of this group have enjoyed forming deeper connections with other KUUF women. We share our concerns, our laughter, and our views of the world around us.
If you would like to check out KUUF Women’s Group please use the link below.
If you have some questions contact: Lora Repp at or Harriet King at